mita2 database life


performance_schema を top っぽく見るツール ps-top

とある企業のDBA @yoku0825 さんに ps-top というものを教えてもらったので試してみました。 ps は 「Performance Schema」のps です。MySQL の パフォーマンス統計である performance_schema の情報をtopコマンドのように表示してくれる。


ps-top は go で書かれている。 自分の管理外のサーバだと、ソフトウェアをインストールするのに躊躇するので、ポータブルな(バイナリをコピーすれば動く)goなのはありがたいですね。

$ export GOPATH=$HOME/go
$ mkdir $GOPATH
$ go get -u


$ $HOME/go/bin/ps-top --help
pstop - Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Simon J Mudd
Top-like program to show MySQL activity by using information collected
from performance_schema.
Usage: pstop
--anonymise= Anonymise hostname, user, db and table names
--count= Set the number of times to watch
--defaults-file=/path/to/defaults.file Connect to MySQL using given defaults-file
--help Show this help message
--host= MySQL host to connect to
--interval= Set the default poll interval (in seconds)
--limit= Limit the number of lines of output (excluding headers)
--password= Password to use when connecting
--port= MySQL port to connect to
--socket= MySQL path of the socket to connect to
--user= User to connect with
--use-environment Connect to MySQL using a go dsn collected from MYSQL_DSN e.g. MYSQL_DSN='test_user:test_pass@tcp('
--version Show the version
--view= Determine the view you want to see when pstop starts (default: table_io_latency
Possible values: table_io_latency table_io_ops file_io_latency table_lock_latency user_latency mutex_latency stages_latency
--userが無視されるのに惑わされました。。。 --host もしくは --socket を指定しないと、--user や --port が無視される仕様のようです。

// --user は無視される・・・
$ $HOME/go/bin/ps-top --user=perf
2016/12/20 15:37:59 Error 1045: Access denied for user 'mita2'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

// --host を指定すると--userが有効になる。
$ $HOME/go/bin/ps-top --user=perf --host localhost.localdomain
2016/12/20 15:37:56 Error 1045: Access denied for user 'perf'@'localhost.localdomain' (using password: NO)
MySQL5.7 以降だとカジュアルにSIGSEGVで落ちます。。。原因はおいておいて、とりあえず、show_compatibility_56 をONにすれば動く。

$ $HOME/go/bin/ps-top --socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --user root --password password
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x4c86c6]
goroutine 1 [running]:

mysql> SET GLOBAL show_compatibility_56=on;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)



Table (table_io_waits_summary_by_table)


ps-top 0.7.5 - 16:35:40 localhost / 5.7.15-9, up 16h 52m 14s [REL] 3 seconds
Table (table_io_waits_summary_by_table) 1 rows
Latency %| Fetch Insert Update Delete|Table Name
1.16 s 100.0%| 72.9% 5.0% 19.8% 2.3%|sbtest.sbtest
| |
| |
| |
| |

File I/O Latency (file_summary_by_instance)


ps-top 0.7.5 - 16:36:29 localhost / 5.7.15-9, up 16h 53m 3s [REL] 52 seconds
File I/O Latency (file_summary_by_instance) 6 row(s)
Latency %| Read Write Misc|Rd bytes Wr bytes| Ops R Ops W Ops M Ops|Table Name
34.28 s 73.8%| 0.9% 99.1%| 35.06 M| 17.39 k 50.0% 50.0%|
9.47 s 20.4%| 100.0% | 25.56 M|294.00 k 100.0% |/localhost.log
1.46 s 3.1%| 3.1% 28.6% 68.3%| 21.16 M 148.86 M| 10.74 k 12.3% 86.6% 1.1%|sbtest.sbtest
868.59 ms 1.9%| 72.0% 28.0%| 169.17 M| 244 50.0% 50.0%|/xb_doublewrite
392.50 ms 0.8%| 18.9% 81.1%| 20.31 M| 1.32 k 96.5% 3.5%|
113.28 us | 100.0% | 48.00 k| 3 100.0% |

Locks by Table Name (table_lock_waits_summary_by_table)

lock の大きいテーブル

ps-top 0.7.5 - 16:37:12 localhost / 5.7.15-9, up 16h 53m 46s [REL] 95 seconds
Locks by Table Name (table_lock_waits_summary_by_table)
Latency %| Read Write|S.Lock High NoIns Normal Extrnl|AlloWr CncIns Low Normal Extrnl|Table Name
719.38 ms 100.0%| 69.6% 30.4%| 69.6%| 30.4%|sbtest.sbtest
Activity by Username (processlist)
ps-top 0.7.5 - 16:38:29 localhost / 5.7.15-9, up 16h 55m 3s
Activity by Username (processlist) 2 rows
Run Time %|Sleeping %|Conn Actv|Hosts DBs|Sel Ins Upd Del Oth|User
|00:00:03 100.0%| 1 | 1 | |perf
| | 6 6| 1 2| 4 |root

Mutex Latency (events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name)

mutex 一覧

ps-top 0.7.5 - 16:39:02 localhost / 5.7.15-9, up 16h 55m 36s [REL] 205 seconds
Mutex Latency (events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name) 27 rows
Latency MtxCnt %|Mutex Name
874.87 ms 121.15 k 28.0%|log_sys_write_mutex
630.11 ms 8.84 M 20.2%|trx_mutex
462.33 ms 958.76 k 14.8%|lock_mutex
444.83 ms 1.03 M 14.2%|log_sys_mutex
335.51 ms 942.34 k 10.7%|fil_system_mutex
258.67 ms 562.83 k 8.3%|trx_sys_mutex
33.28 ms 281.07 k 1.1%|trx_undo_mutex
26.75 ms 224.85 k 0.9%|redo_rseg_mutex
16.67 ms 56.21 k 0.5%|purge_sys_pq_mutex
15.09 ms 86.95 k 0.5%|buf_pool_LRU_list_mutex
5.65 ms 60.98 k 0.2%|flush_list_mutex
5.43 ms 52.51 k 0.2%|srv_sys_mutex

SQL Stage Letency

ps-top 0.7.5 - 16:23:43 localhost / 5.7.15-9, up 16h 40m 17s [REL] 28 seconds
SQL Stage Latency (events_stages_summary_global_by_event_name) 16 rows
Latency % Counter|Stage Name
93.97 ms 59.6% 73|Sending data
22.59 ms 14.3% 157|starting
17.45 ms 11.1% 73|executing
7.55 ms 4.8% 115|Opening tables
7.19 ms 4.6% 31|freeing items
2.26 ms 1.4% 73|init
1.60 ms 1.0% 73|statistics
1.26 ms 0.8% 73|preparing
877.32 us 0.6% 115|checking permissions
747.29 us 0.5% 73|optimizing
622.61 us 0.4% 73|System lock
546.47 us 0.3% 85|removing tmp table
404.06 us 0.3% 73|query end
269.76 us 0.2% 73|closing tables
231.15 us 0.1% 157|cleaning up
136.90 us 0.1% 73|end

Memory Usage

ps-top 0.7.5 - 16:24:42 localhost / 5.7.15-9, up 16h 41m 16s [REL] 9223372037 seconds
Memory Usage (memory_summary_global_by_event_name)
CurBytes % High Bytes|MemOps %|CurAlloc % HiAlloc|Memory Area
13.66 M 10.0% 13.66 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/events_statements_history_long
9.77 M 7.1% 9.77 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/events_statements_history_long.sqltext
9.77 M 7.1% 9.77 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/events_statements_history_long.tokens
9.77 M 7.1% 9.77 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_digest.tokens
9.03 M 6.6% 9.03 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_thread_by_event_name
7.03 M 5.1% 7.03 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name
4.88 M 3.6% 4.88 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_digest
4.51 M 3.3% 4.51 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_account_by_event_name
4.51 M 3.3% 4.51 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name
4.51 M 3.3% 4.51 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name
4.00 M 2.9% 4.00 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/table_shares
3.52 M 2.6% 3.52 M| 1 1.3%| 1 1.3% 1|memory/performance_schema/memory_summary_by_account_by_event_name